Tuesday, October 31, 2006
विग्यापन के बीच पिसती खबर
चैनल खबर(%) प्रचार(%)
आजतक - 47 53
स्टार न्यूज - 65 35
जी न्यूज - 69 31
एनडीटीवी - 70 30
ये तो कुछ खास चैनलों के खास आकड़े है जो कहानी को बड़े कैनवास में दिखाते है। पर ज्यादा बड़ा हकीकत ये है कि ये सारे खबरिया चैनल जिस भी मात्रा में खबरें चलाते इसमें भी क्या चलता है। सारे न्यूज चैनलों पर चलने वाली खबरों में साठ फीसदी ऐसा होता जो ट्राइवियल या पेरिफेरल माना जा सकता है। यानि ऐसी खबरें जो किसी के काम न आएं। यानि ऐसी सूचना जो इस्तेमाल न की जा सके। यानि खबरिया चैनलों पर फिजूल की खबरें। लगता है कुछ। सच यही है। न यकीन हो तो टीवी खोल लीजिए और एक घण्टा देखने के बाद याद कीजिए कि क्या क्या देखा और जाना। वैसे विग्यापन जरूर याद रह जाता है। क्यों। क्योकि वो आपकी जरूरत के अनुसार बुना और पेश किया जाता है। शायद टीवी को ये समझना बाकी है।
Send your write-ups on any media on "mediayug@gmail.com"
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Why won't the media cover this outrageous October Surprise?

Joshua Holland
Earlier in the week I wrote about the likely death sentence to be handed down in Saddam Hussein's show trial just two days before the mid-term elections. If you missed it, read it here.
When I wrote that, I didn't know for a fact that most observers expected the trial to take far longer. But, according to Scott Horton, an adjunct professor at the Columbia University Law School who has visited Baghdad several times, that does appear to be the case.
According to the Institute for Public Accuracy, Horton said yesterday:
Most observers expected the date would be much later, but it seems to have been moved up. It will be front page news in the papers on Monday -- the day before the election. This is designed to show some progress in Iraq. The American public will see Saddam condemned to death and see it as a positive thing.
When you look at polling figures, there have been three significant spike points. One was the date on which Saddam was captured. The second was the purple fingers election. The third was Zarqawi being killed. Based on those three, it's easy to project that they will get a mild bump out of this.
I'd add that these have been short-lived spikes. Longer than two days, but short-lived.
In my experience, everything that comes out of Baghdad is very carefully prepared for U.S. domestic consumption. … There is a team of American lawyers working as special legal advisers out of the U.S. embassy, who drive the tribunal. They have been involved in preparing the case and overseeing it from the beginning. The trial, which is shown on TV, has mild entertainment value for Iraqis, but they refer to it regularly as an American puppet theater.
Tom Englehardt pointed out in The Nation that the media haven't even taken note of the timing in their coverage. This kind of transparent manipulation of something as important as seeing justice served for the tens of thousands of Iraqis tortured and killed by Hussein for the sake of the GOP's prospects in the mid-term elections is simply outrageous. Reporters should be asking hard questions about it in Washington and in Baghdad -- this should be a major story.
It's a perfect opportunity to dig into the revelations contained in Michael Gordon's Cobra II about how everything done in the "Battle for Baghdad" was carefully scripted for U.S. domestic consumption, and in Rajiv Chandrasekaran's Emerald City about how the Green Zone is awash in Republican political appointees, many of whom have no visible qualifications for their posts beyond party loyalty. If the media were doing their jobs this craven act might back-fire on the Republicans as it should.
Can you take a minute and give me a hand? Beneath the fold are some selected media contacts. A brief, polite note asking them why they're not covering this issue -- why they're not asking the appropriate questions -- would be really helpful. Contact your local media as well. Reference Scott Horton's statement above.
And any members of the press can e-mail me for Horton's contact info.
NBC, MSNBC, Newsweek: Contact form.
ABC News: Contact form.
CNN: Contact form.
New York Times: Contact form.
Washington Post:
LA Times:
Chicago Tribune:
George de Lama. Deputy Managing Editor, News.
Kenneth H. Bredemeier, Washington Bureau News Editor.
McClatchy's Washington Bureau.
Here are 570 more press contacts collected by timroff at DailyKos.
Tagged as: international law, iraq, saddam hussein, election06
Joshua Holland is a staff writer at Alternet and a regular contributor to The Gadflyer.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
हफ्ता गुजरा टीवी पर (17-23 october)
Send your write-ups on any media on "mediayug@gmail.com"
Monday, October 16, 2006
An Urgent Appeal!!!
Sunita , owner of Danish Books has been summoned by the Chandrapur Police for interrogation today, 16 October 2006 along with Sh. Vijay Vairagade, a local social activist and his 16 year old son who is a minor. The police claim that they have clinching evidence against Sunita which proves beyond doubt that she has Maoist affiliations and is indulged in activities which are subversive in nature. However, the local thana and the police is not ready to part with any information regarding these charges to the lawyers who are there to represent Sunita.
It has been claimed by the police that Sunita belongs to Jehanabad of Bihar and her first husband was killed in police encounter. They also claim that 15% of the literature seized from the stall of the Daanish Book is of offensive nature and supports the politics of the Maoists.
To put the record straight Sunita has no connection with Jehanabad. Her parental family hails from Naugachiya District of Bihar. Actually by establishing a relationship between her and Jehanabad which is known for Naxal politics the MH police want to prove that she is also a naxalite. The police claim about her first husband being killed in police action is also a issue of imagination. Her first husband is a known leftist political activist and is based at Patna and very much alive. She is now married to Shri Dhruva Narayan, a reputed publisher, who has to his credit titles by Noam Chomsky, Samir Amin, Tariq Ali and other nationally and internationally reputed authors. Sunita has been active in student and women's movements and has worked with the National Commission for Women, a statutory body constituted by the Government of India for two years. She has also worked with Books For Change, a subsidiary of the ActionAid India, an international agency .
Sunita is a known publisher and distributor and she visits all major book exhibitions and fairs and put up her stall everywhere. As publisher and distributor gets calls from all kinds of people and they also visit her stalls. Chandrapur being on centre of police action against naxal activities in the region, police use their extraordinary powers to harass anybody. For last few months they have been raiding the houses of social activists and journalists and seizing books and implicating them in false criminal cases. According to reliable sources, the Chandrapur police intends to book Sunita under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.
One needs to recall that yesterday on 15 october,2006 in a shocking and bizarre incident the Maharashtra Police, Chandrapur had seized 41 books from the stall of Daanish Books, which were displayed in the book exhibition which is held every year on 15-16 October, on the occasion of the Deeksha Day celebrations to mark the day when Babasaheb Ambedkar embraced Buddhism 50 years ago . The books seized by the police for containing dangerous , anti state material include books like Marathi translation of the Thoughts of Bhagat Singh, Ramdeen Ka Sapna by B.D. Sharma, Jati Vyavastha- Bhartiya Kranti Ki Khasiyat by Vaskar Nandy, Monarchy Vs Democracy by Baburam Bhattarai, Nepali Samargaatha: Maowadi Janyuddha ka Aankhon Dekha Vivaran (The Hindi edition of eminent American Journalist Li Onesto's celebrated book Dispatches from the People's War in Nepal, Translated by Anand Swarup Varma), Daliton par Badhati Jyadatiya aur Unka Krantikari Jawab, Chhapamar Yudhha by Che Guevara and books on Marxism and Leninism and people's struggles. Non of the books seized by the police is banned or declared offensive by any state agencies.
A contingent of nearly 70 armed policemen surrounded the stall of Daanish Books this afternoon and remained there for more than three hours, making a list of books they wanted to seize. Earlier they made a list of more than 200 books. After a long argument Sunita had on telephone with the Chandrapur S.P., they removed many books and left with 41 books some of which have been mentioned above. They left the place after threatening Sunita that she would be arrested as they had information that she had Maoist links. When contacted, the S.P. assured Sunita that nothing would happen to her and he would personally come to see her next morning. But press circle is abuzz with rumours that Sunita might be arrested tomorrow as police suspect her to be a member of some Maoist outfit.
Friends, Sunita and Daanish Books are a familiar feature of many pro-people programmes or events where they put up their stalls unfailingly. They are publishers of repute with strong pro-people leanings. They publish and display books which are at many times critical of the state policies. Is it a crime to publish and display such books in a democracy like India? That such an action can be taken by the police without any hesitation shows that India is fast turning into a police-state and police feels free to indulge in such unlawful activities in the name of containing terrorism. They can seize books, arrest people and even kill them without any fear of public outrage.
We express our solidarity with Sunita and her colleagues at Daanish Books and condemn this highhandedness of the Chandrapur Police. We demand a statement from the Home Minister, Maharashtra on this incident.
This is an appeal to all of you to condemn this highhandedness of Chandrapur police and a request to all of you write to the S.P., Chandrapur condemning this incident and asking for their apology.
Telephone and Fax numbers of SP and DM of Chandrapur:
SP--Mr. Kadam 07172-255202 Fax: 07172-255800, Mobile: 09822943358
DM--Mr. Sanjay Jaisawal 07172-255300
Apoorvanand, Unv. Of Delhi
Shabnam Hashmi, ANHAD
Ram Puniyani, AISF, Mumbai
Anand swaroop verma, Freelance journalist and writer
Aditya nigam, Fellow, CSDS
Khurshid anwar, ISD
Nivedita Menon, Unv of Delhi
Purushottam Agrawal, JNU
Dilip Simeon, Fellow, Nehru museum amd Teen Murti Library,
Jamal Kidwai, Aman Trust
Charu Gupta, Fellow, Nehru Memorial Library
Mukul Sharma, Amnesty International, India
Vijay Pratap, Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam
Imtiaz Ahmad, JNU
Poorva Bhardwaj, Nirantar
Jaya Mehta, Sandarbh Kendra, Indore, IPTA
Vineet Tiwari, Gen. Secretary, MP Progressive Writers' Association, Sandarbh Kendra, IPTA
Nasirruddin haider Khan, Journalist, Lucknow
Arshad Ajamal, Social Activist, Patna
Rupesh, , Social Activist, Patna
Kavita Srivastava, PUCL, Jaipur
Premkrishna Sharma, PUCL, New Delhi
Piya Chatterji
Anil Chaudhary, INSAF
Prabhakar Sinha, PUCL
Vijay Singh, Delhi University
Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Rajni Tilak, NACDOR
Harjinder Singh, Hyderabad
Gautam Navlakha
Anil Sadgopal
Hari Lamba
Hari Sharma, SANSAD
D Narasimha Reddy, Hyderabad
Ganesh N Devy, Baroda
Kamla Prashad, National Progressive Writer's Association
Tanvir Akhtar, IPTA
Bhanu Bharati, Playwright and threatre director
Alok Rai, Professor, Deptt of English, DU
Arun Kumar, JNU
Subodh Malakar, JNU
Kamal Nayan Kabra, IIPA
Ashok Vajpeyi, Poet
Vishnu Nagar, Poet and Journalist
Abhishek Srivastava, Freelance Journalist, New Delhi
हफ्ता गुज़रा टीवी पर( 9 -16 अक्टूबर)
Send your write-ups on any media on "mediayug@gmail.com"
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Death of a courageous journalist
By Katrina Vanden Heuvel
Russia and the world have lost a great and courageous journalist. The killing of Anna Politkovskaya on October 7 is horrifying and shocking, but not unexpected.
Anti-Putin Journalist Murdered In Moscow
By Patrick Martin
The assassination of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya is an ominous warning to working people and intellectuals in Russia and throughout the world of the lengths to which the regime headed by the former KGB agent Vladimir Putin will go to suppress criticism and political opposition
Sunday, October 08, 2006
हफ्ता गुजरा टीवी पर( 1 - 8 अक्टूबर)
Send your write-ups on any media on "mediayug@gmail.com"
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Musharraf hot favourite of Indian News Channels
perhaps as much as he makes in his own country. In the last week of September, between 21
and 28th, Pakistan President Prevez Musharraf got three times more time on primetime evening news bulletins of Delhi based Hindi news channels than the India Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh got during the period, according to a CMS Media Lab analysis.
It was the release of General Pervez Musharraf’s book on September 25th which prompted such an extensive coverage in the news media. What is more, most of this television coverage is not only from USA but include extensive discussion in India and interviews on Musharraf and his book.
Between September 21 and 28, six Hindi news channels of Delhi devoted 378 minutes of their
evening primetime news bulletins for General Musharraf against 114 minutes they devoted for
covering Dr. Manmohan Singh. No Indian Prime Minister for sure would have ever got such a
coverage in Pakistan news media as Musharraf often gets in India.
The news channels covered are DD News, NDTV India, Zee News, Sahara Samay, Star News
and Aaj Tak.
More specifically, Musharraf’s book release on 25th September and discussion on it occupied
277 minutes of the bulletins of these six Hindi News channels. Even before the book release, on
September 21, 22, 23 and 24 Musharraf got a coverage of 102 minutes in the evening primetime bulletins of these six Hindi news channels. This included General Musharraf’s meeting with Dr.
Manmohan Signh in Havana, Musharraf’s meet with US President Bush.
Between 21 and 28 September NDTV devoted 164 minutes for President Musharraf in its
evening primetime bulletins against four minutes it devoted for Dr. Manmohan Singh in the
same bulletins.
Doordarshan news channels, on the other, devoted 94 minutes for Dr. Manmohan Singh against
35 minutes it devoted for Pakistan President Musharraf during the same days and same time
On an average Pakistan’s President got ten minutes per channel of primetime coverage a day
during this week in the news bulletins on these news channels - against hardly three minutes a
day per channel Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh got. That General Musharraf is a favourite of India news media is evident from the coverage he gets from the mainline English newspapers too. On the other, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh gets low key coverage in news bulletins is perhaps not a surprise.
On September 26 Dr. Manmohan Singh had his birthday. So also the veteran film actor Dev
Anand. On 26th September Dev Anand got a coverage of 34 minutes in all in the primetime
evening bulletins of six Hindi news channels against two minutes and 30 seconds coverage Dr.
Manmohan Singh got on the same channels in the same bulletins.
NDTV devoted 24 minutes on 26 September in its evening primetime news bulletins on Dev
Anand’s birthday. It had no coverage what so ever on Dr. Manmohan Singh’s birthday in the
primetime news bulletins of the evening.
Doordarshan News devoted one minute and 50 second for covering Dr.Manmohan Singh
birthday against 30 seconds it devoted for Dev Anand’s birthday on September 26th in its
primetime evening news bulletins. Zee News had 30 seconds for Dr. Manmohan Singh’s
birthday against 7 minutes for Dev Anand’s birthday on 26 September.
Interestingly, both Aaj Tak and Star News did not cover either of these birthdays in their evening primetime news bulletins.
CMS Media Lab monitors and analysis news bulletins of prime national channels and some
regional channels every day.
Media Lab
Centre for Media Studies
Send your write-ups on any
media on "mediayug@gmail.com"