Wednesday, May 20, 2009
फैसला हो चुका है
कोई केवल टीवी की तकनीकी को तामझाम के साथ पेश करके खुश है, तो कोई हर शाम नेताओं को स्टूडियो में बहस कराकर लोकतंत्र को समझाने की कोशिश में लगा रहा। कहीं पर पल पल की खबर को पेश करना ही इतिश्री माना गया। तो कही जादुई मशीन का हौवा दिखाया गया। क्या जनता निरी बेवकूफ है।
समझने वालों को ये कैसे भूल जाता है कि अगर एक बार जनता बिजली, सड़क और पानी के मुद्दे पर मतदान कर सकती है, तो वो किसी सांप्रदायिक टिप्पणी, नेताओं के कमजोर लांछन, रोडरोलर चलाने जैसा बयान, व्यक्तिगत छींटाकशी की बातों को गौर करेगी। पर टीवी चैनलों ने हर दिन वरुण के बयान, लालू के जवाब, आडवाणी की कमजोर बातें, अमर-आजम-मुलायम की उठापटक, फिल्मी सितारों का घटिया प्रचार, राहुल को युवराज, माया-ममता-जयललिता को किंगमेकर आदि चीजों को जमकर परोसा।
टीवी चैनलों के स्वयंभू संपादकों को लगता है कि जमाना उनके हिसाब से चलता है। उन्हे इसका आभास नहीं कि टीवी चैनल को दफ्तर के बाहर बैठा चायवाला ज्यादा राजनैतिक बहस करता है। उसे समाज, राजनीति और अर्थ की समझ वास्तविकता से आती है, लाखों की तनख्वाह पाकर सारी सुख सुविधाओं में रहकर आप लोकतंत्र की परिभाषा को आम आदमी को समझाएं, तो ये हजम नहीं होता।
ये देश विकल्पों पर नहीं, सामने मौजूद चुनौतियों पर फैसला लेना जाता है। और आप माने या न माने इसने एक फैसला तो ले लिया है, खबरिया टीवी चैनलों को गंभीरता से न लेने का।
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
फिर बैतलवा डाल पर: चौथी दुनिया का मिथक
गलतियां सभी से होती हैं। लेकिन ऐतिहासिक गलतियां कुछ ही करते हैं। जैसे सीपीएम ने ऐतिहासिक गलती की थी। उसने माना भी, कि सरकार को बाहर से समर्थन देना कितना गलत फैसला साबित हुआ। कुछ दुर्लभ ही होते हैं जो दो बार ऐतिहासिक गलती करते हैं। सीपीएम ऐसी ही दुर्लभ पार्टी है। उसे इस दुहराव का क्या नुकसान होगा, यह आगामी चुनाव में साफ हो जाएगा।
मैंने भी ऐतिहासिक गलती की। यह जानते हुए कि गलत हूं, उसे दुहराया। यह दुहराव मुझे कोई नुकसान करने नहीं जा रहा। लेकिन दिल में दुख के जो स्थायी फफोले इसने छोड़े हैं, उन्हें दबा पाना मुश्किल जान पड़ रहा है।
सोचता हूं, इस बारे में सबको जानना चाहिए। यह मसला निहायत निजी भी कहा जा सकता है, लेकिन अपने मूल में राजनीतिक है और राजनीतिक मसले पब्लिक डोमेन में लाए ही लाने चाहिए। क्योंकि कभी-कभार राजनीति निजी सम्बंधों पर भारी पड़ जाती है और दुख देती है। इस बार मेरे साथ ऐसा ही हुआ।
मुझे जानने वाले जानते हैं कि मेरा एक करीबी मित्र है। उसका नाम है व्यालोक। वह जेएनयू में अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद की राजनीति में काफी सक्रिय रहा है। पिछले सात साल का दोस्ताना रहा है। वैसे तो कई दोस्त पंद्रह-बीस साल भी पुराने हैं, लेकिन वह इसलिए खास है मेरे लिए (और मैं उसके लिए) क्योंकि हमने अपना सबसे बुरा वक्त एक साथ गुज़ारा है। चाय-मठरी पर दो महीने जिंदा रहे हैं लक्ष्मी नगर के एक कमरे में। जब नौकरी नहीं थी और अखबार में लिखने से हजार रुपए मुश्किलन आते थे महीने भर में।
आज एक बड़े संपादक पूछ रहे थे कि मैंने उसके साथ आखिर इतने लंबे वक्त तक निभाया कैसे, जबकि हम दोनों विपरीत ध्रुव के प्राणी हैं। यह सवाल नया नहीं है। मुझे कई जगह उसके कारण और उसे कई जगह मेरे कारण अपने-अपने राजनीतिक दायरों में संदिग्ध होना पड़ा है। सभी पूछते रहे, लेकिन यह अद्भुत याराना था जो बना रहा। मेरे जानने वाले यह समझते रहे कि वह अब प्रगतिशील हो चला है। उसे जानने वाले मुझे छद्म वामपंथी।
खैर। पिछले एक साल मैंने इकनॉमिक टाइम्स (हिंदी) में नौकरी की। यह मेरी पहली ऐतिहासिक गलती थी। याद है 28 सितंबर 2006, जब मैंने तय किया था कि अब नौकरी नहीं करनी। जाने किस मुहूर्त में नासिरुद्दीन भाई ने लखनऊ से इस नौकरी की खबर दी और मैं अर्थ की दुनिया में अनामंत्रित घुस गया। पिछले साल अक्टूबर में ईटी हिंदी में छंटनी शुरू हुई, तो भीतर से मुझे यह खबर मिली कि सातवां नाम छंटनी की सूची में मेरा है। मैं बहुत कुछ समझ पाता और आगे का रास्ता तय कर पाता, इससे पहले चौथी दुनिया के दोबारा प्रकाशन की खबर बाजार में आई। व्यालोक वहां जा चुका था। अचानक वह कैसे वहां पहुंचा, मैं नहीं जानता था। मेरी छंटनी के दिन करीब आ रहे थे। हमारी बात रोज़ाना होती थी और उसके कहने पर मैंने एकाध लोगों को चौथी दुनिया में भेजा भी था। अचानक उसने एक दिन फोन किया कि आ जाओ।
बिना किसी प्लानिंग और सोच के मैंने अगले दिन चौथी दुनिया का दामन थाम लिया। ईटी से इस्तीफा दे दिया। कम पैसे पर गया, लेकिन आकर्षण अच्छी पत्रकारिता करने का और बड़े संपादक के नीचे काम करने का था। दूसरे यह, कि पिछले कई साल से मैं और व्यालोक जो एक साथ काम करने का सोच रहे थे, उसके भी पूरा होने का संतोष था। यह बात 16 फरवरी की है, सिर्फ तीन हफ्ते ही हुए हैं।
मैंने चौथी दुनिया से परसों इस्तीफा दे दिया। कम लोगों को अब तक यह खबर है। कुल जमा तीन हफ्ते रहा वहां। आज व्यालोक से मैंने अपने तईं सम्बंध खत्म मान लिया है। मान लिया है कि बुनियादी राजनीतिक आस्थाएं निजी रिश्तों पर भारी पड़ती हैं।
वहां हुआ क्या आखिर। वहां पहुंच कर जाना कि चौथी दुनिया के संपादक को छोड़ संपादकीय टीम पर वास्तव में संघियों ने कब्जा कर लिया था। एक एबीवीपी का जेएनयू में पूर्व अध्यक्ष तो दूसरा सचिव। मुझसे संतोष भारतीय ने पूछा था कि तुम वामपंथी तो नहीं। बात हंसी में उड़ गई थी। मैं नहीं जानता कि उन तीनों से (व्यालोक समेत) नियुक्ति के वक्त यह पूछा गया था या नहीं कि वे दक्षिणपंथी तो नहीं।
मैं वहां से क्यों चला आया। क्योंकि बहुमत की प्रतिगामी राजनीति वहां मुझे शिकार बना रही थी- सही। क्योंकि अखबार निकलने से पहले उसे राजनीतिक संगठन की तरह चलाया जा रहा था- सही। क्योंकि वहां काम करने के वक्त तय नहीं (सुबह 10 से रात 12 भी कम हैं। मैंने गिना तो पता चला कि 16 फरवरी से 7 मार्च के बीच मैंने करीब 160-180 घंटे वहां दिए)- यह भी सही है। लेकिन सबसे बड़ा दुख यह रहा कि सबसे बुरे दिनों के दो साथियों में एक के भीतर राजनीतिक बहुमत से पैदा वर्चस्व का भाव आ चुका था। मुझे सुबह से शाम तक महसूस करवाया जा रहा था कि मैं वहां लाया गया हूं। मेरे कान भरे जा रहे थे। मुझे चुप रहने को कहा जा रहा था। मुझे निर्देश दिए जा रहे थे, यह कहते हुए कि तुम्हें तीन महीने लगेंगे इस गैंग में शामिल होने में। बकौल संपादकीय टीम के प्रमुख, हम यहां एक गैंग बना रहे हैं।
क्या यह सब संपादक को पता है। मैं नहीं जानता। मेरी बात भी नहीं हुई छोड़ने के बाद। मेरे पास संघी और सामंती राजनीति को राजनीतिक तरीके से ध्वस्त करने का एक तरीका था- उसके विपक्ष को समाप्त कर देना। सो मैं चला आया।
दुख इस बात का है कि दिल्ली का मेरा सबसे करीबी साथी यह नहीं जानता कि मैं किस कारण से चला आया। उसने जानने की कोशिश भी नहीं की, कोई फोन नहीं। वे लगे हैं अखबार निकालने में उसी पुराने तेवर के साथ। अच्छा है। पत्रकारिता में ऐसी स्पेस कम ही जगह मिलती है। लेकिन चौथी दुनिया पर संघियों का कब्जा एक मौजूं सवाल है। इसकी खबर किसी को नहीं।
हम इस बात को काफी आगे भी बढ़ा सकते हैं। समाजवादियों और संघियों के बीच ऐतिहासिक गठजोड़ की व्याख्या कर सकते हैं। लेकिन मेरी इसमें फिलवक्त दिलचस्पी नहीं।
मैंने एक बार फिर तय किया है कि नौकरी नहीं करनी है। काफी विश्वास के साथ। पहली दुनिया के बारे में कोई भ्रम कभी नहीं था। अब तो चौथी दुनिया का भी मिथक टूट ही चुका है। नई दुनिया कैसे बन-बिगड़ रही है, सभी देख ही रहे हैं। अपनी दुनिया में लौट कर बाकी दुनियाओं पर सोच रहा हूं। इकलौता दुख इस बात का है कि अपनी दुनिया का एक साथी अब 'अपनी दुनिया' में वापस जा चुका है। बैताल फिर डाल पर है...।
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
How not to report terrorism
Media Yug
How not to report terrorism
By Venkata Vemuri on December 2, 2008 1:52 pm
The Indian television coverage of the Mumbai terror strikes left much to be desired. Senior broadcast journalist and media researcher Venkata Vemuri analyses the areas of weaknesses and finds no excuse for the substandard reportage of such a serious issue.
I WAS A broadcast journalist in India and when news about the string of terror attacks in Mumbai broke on the evening of November 26, I knew exactly what to expect from the television channels there.
The channels would splash the TV screens with ‘breaking news’ tags in bright red, the anchors would have phone-ins with their reporters from Mumbai, which would become live chats once the Outdoor Broadcast (OB) vans reached the spot(s); some reporters would upload ‘walk-throughs’; they would try to talk to eyewitnesses with timeless questions like “kya hua, kya dekha, aapko kaisa laga, police kitne der se pahunchi” (what happened, what did you see, how did you feel, how late was the police in arriving).
The second wave of the ‘breaking news’ reporting would be led by strings in red and black, with or without a Mumbai backdrop, and carrying bold headlines articulating each channel’s opinion of what the attacks mean to India. They would include labels like ‘India’s 9/11′ or ‘maut ka aatank’ (the scourge of death).
In this phase would come more eyewitness accounts. The crime reporters would go live with information about police and paramilitary movements, the scenes at hospitals, reactions of relatives and, of course, the politicians. More importantly, the channels would take on a nationalistic hue saying things like “India’s pride is attacked”, “Bharat will not submit to terrorism”, and so on. In the absence of any clear, factual information, it will be left to the anchors to mouth generalities or repeat themselves to keep the channels live.
In the third phase, the channels would intersperse spot visuals running in loops with graphics explaining the salient points over a map showing the points of attacks. By this time, the channels would have invited retired policemen, bureaucrats or terrorism experts to studios for live analysis. International reactions to the attacks would be beamed, along with human interest stories and, where possible, phone-ins from people holed up in the buildings where the attacks occurred.
If the attacks continued into the morning, as the ones in Mumbai did, the reporters, including senior journalists flown in overnight from New Delhi, would start a fresh cycle of the same news, with lives and walk-throughs, and give us their opinion of how the counterterrorism operations are going on. The bulk of the day’s reporting would focus on the ‘why’ of the attacks, notwithstanding the absence of any official statements on it.
The news channels, by and large, did not belie my expectations. And that is the point of this article.
Whether it is a story about a stampede in a temple, a boy falling into a manhole, a thief being beaten up by the public, the sensex going up or down, or an act of terrorism, the treatment by channels more or less follows the above routine. If one cares to go through the video archives of channels, one would find a striking similarity in even the words and phrases and visuals used then and now.
Indian journalists have been reporting on conflicts and terrorism for over two decades now, from the militancy in Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir and the north-eastern states, the low-intensity conflict on the India-Pakistan border, and in recent years, the number of attacks on several
Indian cities - even the Indian Parliament - by so-called terrorist groups.
What is missing from reporting on terrorism in India, unfortunately, is the big picture, not only in terms of (a) exhaustive reportage on the event, but also in terms of (b) the geopolitical impact in the global sense.
The first points to the gullibility of the journalists, the second to their lack of awareness. Whether both notions are wrong and such impressions are primarily caused by the newsroom chaos in handling breaking news, it is up to the channels to introspect.
Novice journalists are often told by their seniors that the single mantra in a breaking news scenario is to keep one’s cool. That is the rule practiced more in the breach. Each channel has its own editorial crisis news committee that oversees how breaking news is treated. But somewhere along the way, things snap.
Often it is found there is no one in the newsroom drawing up coverage plans and directing the news team. As a result, the coverage is more of a dish-it-as-it-comes variety even after the first hour of the event. It is the duty of the newsroom seniors to ensure that information is not repeated throughout the news wheel, but is refreshed frequently. It is true that new information is flashed as soon as it comes, but it does not stand out in the general melee of visual loops and continuous, non-informative chats.
The worst aspect of television coverage in India is the abject display of sentiment by journalists. They use adjectives at random, deploring the terrorists and pining for the victims. The channels rave about “nationalism”, the “national spirit” and so on. A sense of an objective assessment of what is happening is, therefore, lost. A glaring example in the Mumbai attacks case is the killing of three senior officers of Mumbai’s anti-terrorism squad. The anchors broke the news with their throats constricted, searching for words like “sacrifice”, “altar of duty” and “honour”. What was lost were simple details like how they died, where they died, what were they doing, etc, which was left for later bulletins.
It is pertinent here to recall what Canadian journalist and media educator Ross Howard said at the 2003 International Roundtable on New Approaches to Conflict Reporting in Copenhagen on the use of sentiment by the media:
“Look at the work of the FOX Television network in the USA. During the invasion of Iraq, newscasters waved and wore American flags, and abandoned all impartiality or fairness by providing a kind of play-by-play home-team coverage of the war between ‘our boys versus the enemy’. It was not professional journalism. Increasingly, this uncritical (and overtly partisan) journalism is contributing to a dangerous American public isolation and insulation from reality on the global scene. Restoring and introducing critical thinking to Western journalism is a partial antidote to the FOX News style of journalism. We need to restore some old standards.”
In the initial hours of the Mumbai attacks, foreign channels were far ahead with factual information, which they culled out from blogs and chat rooms, and strengthened with details from interviews, including with guests at the two hotels attacked by the terrorists. Some foreign channels put the Mumbai attacks in perspective right away by giving a timeline of previous attacks in India to conclude that the latest strikes were actually an escalation in terrorism. They pointed out that unlike in previous cases, the current strikes also involved taking hostage of western nationals. It was a logical deduction on the basis of some good homework, plus locating the new angle of hostage-taking in the current strikes.
A major reason why the Indian channels looked no different the day after the attacks from the night before was sheer lack of information about the ongoing counter-terrorism operation by the security forces in the two Mumbai hotels where the terrorists were holed up with hostages. Broadcast journalism in India is no longer in its infancy and many of its practitioners have reported on conflicts worldwide and therefore, there is no excuse for substandard coverage of such a serious issue.
Secrecy on part of the official agencies and lack of access by journalists both played a role in this blank phase of news on the strikes on the second day. Indian journalists, routinely attuned to covering crime, often find it difficult to cope with such situations. How to keep their channels moving forward in such situations? Lack of knowledge about the country’s anti-terrorism apparatus, the types of agencies and personnel involved, and general information about their operational techniques appear to have hindered the journalists. As a result, uninformed theories, even rumours were reported as news.
Such reportage looks childish. Like, for instance, a channel showed its reporter, standing at the back of one of the Mumbai hotels, telling the audience that the police were clever enough to post themselves at the hotel’s rear so that the terrorists would not be able to escape unnoticed. Knowledge about the encircling tactics of counter-terrorism agencies as well as the level of determination of the terrorists inside the hotel - would they allow themselves to be captured alive? - would have made the reporter’s chat more meaningful.
Even when channels secure tactical information about an operation, they should have second
thoughts about broadcasting it for fear of the data benefiting the attackers. A couple of channels had some such information about the ongoing operation in Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, which they screamed as exclusive news, oblivious to the larger ethical questions involved.
What Indian broadcast journalism should now look for is specialised reporting on terrorism. Treating a terrorist strike story in the same way as a child falling into a manhole will not help, simply because news channels influence people’s perceptions and an unprofessional approach to news dissemination can result in inappropriate fallouts. Also, terrorism is not a domestic issue restricted to the borders of one country and as it is there exists enough evidence of its globally intertwined presence.
The Mumbai strikes were treated more as a local Mumbai event, rather than a national issue. The ‘national’ duty was discharged by becoming inanely sentimental. There was no attempt to see the strikes in the perspective of the global, or even sub-continental, spread of terrorism.
In such situations, journalists should keep in mind they are no longer dealing with local police or petty criminals. They should be able to raise the standard of reporting by making themselves aware of the causes, impact and nexus of terrorism beyond their own country’s borders. This calls for journalists undergoing training programmes in terrorism reporting, on the lines of conflict reporting.
More important than such training is developing a professional attitude when dealing with terrorism and not giving into bouts of sentimentality, which derails the whole purpose of reporting on such events. Not the least, journalists must realise that while it is professional to break the news first, a race to break it can be hazardous in such situations, with accuracy, objectivity and credibility the first victims.
Venkata Vemuri is a senior Indian journalist, currently doing his PhD in the UK. He can be reached at
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
अब चैनलों की बारी...
ये जाहिर तौर पर पहले शिकायती मामले और उसपर आए फैसले से तय होगा। लेकिन ऐसे वक्त में जब समाचार के चैनल अपने आप को ही, कोर्ट कचहरी और न्याय की सारी प्रक्रिया मान लें, तो उन्हे जो दोषी ठहराए, वो कंटेम्पट आप चैनल का हकदार होगा। और अपने आप को स्वयं नियंत्रित करने का दावा करने वाले चैनल क्या खुद को नियंत्रि करने के लिए तैयार है। गौर करिए। बीते दिनों में भी चैनलों पर जुर्म और सेक्स से जुड़ी खबरों का चलना कम नहीं हुआ है। चाहे वो किसी धर्म गुरू के कर्मकाण्डों का चाशनी लगाकर पेश किया गई खबर हो, या किसी जुर्म के कार्यक्रम में हिंदी फिल्म बाजार में अभिनेत्री बनने की खबर का सेक्स भरा प्रस्तुतिकरण।
जाहिर है हर शुरूआत का स्वागत करना चाहिए। हम करते है। लेकिन हमारे सामने एक ऐसे दौर को रखा जा चुका है, जो हमें विश्वास करने से पहले सोचने को मजबूर करता है। टीआरपी, एडवरटोरियल, स्क्रीन पर बेइंतिहा प्रचार के बाद हमें ये समझ लेना चाहिए कि टीवी की इंडस्ट्री अपने खर्चो और रिसोर्सेज के लिए किस कदर बाजार पर निर्भर है। इसका साफ असर हम खबरों को न्यूज रूम से निपटा दिए जाने, इंटरनेट के विजुअल पर खबरों के बनने, ग्राफिक्स के ज्यादा से ज्यादा सपोर्ट से खड़ी की गई खबरों के तौर पर देखते है। तभी तो, चार्ल्स शोभराज, दाउद, ओसामा जैसी खबरों पर अभी भी टीवी तूफान खड़ा कर देता है। दरअसल इन खबरों में फाइल फुटेज से काम चल जाता है, और लिखने को कुछ भी लिखकर इन्हे चलाया जा सकता है। कोई इस पर आपत्ति नहीं उठा सकता। कम से कम दाउद या चार्ल्स तो नहीं उठा सकते है। लेकिन इससे ही डर और खौफनाक हादसों से डराने की एक प्रक्रिया जारी है। ये केवल एक उदाहरण है। हर फील्ड – खेल, फिल्म, समाज और राजनीति तक में ये प्रयोग जारी है।
और यकीन मानिए इन प्रयोगो से समाज टूट रहा है। घरों में एक भय है। टीवी की जुर्म, धर्म और भरोसे की दिखाई खबरों से हर कोई हर पल दहशत है। और अगर अथारिटी अपने फैसलों से इस दहशत को दूर करने में सफल रहा, तो यकीन मानिए, हम टीवी समाचार के एक नए दौर का स्वागत कर रहे होंगे।
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Monday, August 11, 2008
And the Awards goes to....
NDTV 24X7 has bagged the News Channel Popular – (English)award at the second News Television (NT) Awards held in Delhi today.CNN-IBN was adjudged the Numero Uno English News Channel of the yearwhile Times Now was conferred the Best News Channel Critics –(English) award.
In the Hindi news segment, Aaj Tak was honoured with the Best NewsChannel popular – (Hindi) award. Numero Uno Hindi News Channel of theyear award went to NDTV India.
Best Business news channel (Critic) award was bagged by CNBC TV18,while the Numero Uno Business Channel of the year honours were sharedby CNBC TV18, NDTV Profit and CNBC Awaaz.
TV Today Group editor-in-chief and chairman Aroon Purie was honouredwith the NT Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to the TVnews industry. He received the award from NDTV chairman Prannoy Roy.
Purie said, " I love news. 24 hour news channels are the greatestinvention of recent times. It has changed the way of public discourse.India is a great country to have so many news channels as many thingskeep happening every day at every hour. It is like a Formula1 racecar, which never stops."
Purie is among the select few who have been instrumental in redefiningjournalism in India. In 1975, he founded the India Today Group, whichis now acknowledged as one of India's most diversified mediaconglomerates.
Purie's understanding of the Indian media space is reflected in thenumber of media properties he has successfully started. The TV TodayGroup has launched a pack of four news channels, with Aaj Tak as aleader in the Hindi space.
Among the luminaries who attended the glittering function at the TajPalace were MP Rajeev Shukla, BJP spokesperson Rajiv Pratap Rudy,former IPS officer Kiran Bedi, former test cricketer Madan Lal, B.A.GFilms and Media MD Anurradha Prasad and fashion designer Ritu Kumaramong others.
The show, anchored by Channel V veejays Lola Kutty and Juhi, sawspirited performances by A Band of Boys.
Award List: Category Awardee News Channel
1 Movico Technology Award for Business News Channel To Watch Out forin the coming year UTVi UTVi
2 Movico Technology Award for Pioneering initiatives in Digital Technology NewsX NewsX
3 Movico Technology Award for Hindi News Channel To Watch Out for inthe coming year Voice of India Voice of India
4 Best Crime Show - Hindi Criminal IBN 7
5 Best Crime Show - English India 60 Minutes (BMW Expose) NDTV 24x7
6 Best Auto Show - Hindi Chakke Pe Chakka Aaj Tak
7 Best Auto Show - English The Car & Bike Show NDTV Profit
8 Best Promo Campaign By a News Channel IBN CJ Concept CNN IBN
9 Best Promo for any News Show Aap Ka Budjet Aaj Tak
10 Best Promo for a Channel 21 Years Of Experience NDTV 24x7
11 Lifetime Contribution to Television News Aroon Purie, Chairman &Editor-in-Chief TV Today Network
12 Best Lifestyle & Fashion News Show - Hindi Zaika India Ka NDTV India
13 Best Lifestyle & Fashion News Show - English Business On Course NDTV Profit
14 Best Entertainment News Show - Hindi Jai Jawan NDTV India
15 Best Entertainment News Show – English Jai Jawan NDTV 24x7
16 Best Sports News Show - Hindi Jeet Lee Duniya NDTV India
17 Best Sports News Show – English Final Score CNN IBN
18 Best Talk Show on News Channel- Hindi Zindagi Live (Family Of Suicide Victims) IBN 7
19 Best Talk Show on News Channel- English State Of The Nation CNN IBN
20 Best Business Talk Show - Hindi Kaun Rahega Corepati CNBC Awaz
21 Best Business Talk Show - English Young Turks CNBC TV 18
22 Best Business News Programme - Hindi Stock Talk CNBC Awaz
23 Best Business News Programme - English UP South CNBC TV 18
24 Best Investigative News Report - Hindi Maya (Godmen OR Conmen) &Operation Kalank (Gujarat Riots) IBN 7 &Aaj Tak.
25 Best Investigative News Report - English (NDTV Special) BangladeshSpecial NDTV24x7
26 Best News Documentary Programme-limited Episodes - Hindi KhasKhabron Ki Khabar – Bundelkhand NDTV India.
27 Best News Documentary Programme - limited Episodes - EnglishRemembering 7/11: Let We Forget CNN IBN
28 Best Show On Environment Awareness - Hindi Shikhar Se Oonche NDTV India
29 Best Show On Environment Awareness - English A Question Of Land CNN IBN
30 Best Current Affaris Programme-Limited (Home & International) -Hindi Khas Khabron Ki Khabar – Sez NDTV India
31 Best Current Affairs Programme-limited (Home & International) -English Devil's Advocate CNN IBN
32 Best Daily Newscast – Hindi News Point NDTV India
33 Best Daily Newscast – English India 60 Minutes NDTV 24x7
34 Best-Presented Popular News Show - Hindi Khabardar NDTV India
35 Best-Presented Popular News Show - English Face The Nation (ChakDiya India Special) CNN IBN
36 Most Popular Entertainment News Show Saas Bahu aur Saazish Star News
37 Best TV News Reporter - Hindi Kamal Khan NDTV India
38 Best TV News Reporter - English Poonam Aggarwal NDTV 24x7
39 Best Sports News Show Presenter - Hindi Afshan Anjum (Jeet LeeDuniya) NDTV India
40 Best Sports News Show Presenter - English Sonali Chander (SportsUnlimited) NDTV 24x7
41 Best Entertainment News Show Host - Hindi Shekhar Suman Star News
42 Best Entertainment Critic Rajeev Masand CNN IBN
43 Best Business News Anchor - Hindi Mehraj Dubey NDTV India
44 Best Business News Anchor - English Shivnath Thukral NDTV Profit
45 Best TV News Anchor - Hindi Pankaj Pachauri NDTV India
46 The Indiantelevision.Com Editor's Special Award for Excellence as an Anchor Romana Issar Zee News
47 Best TV News Anchor - English Rajdeep Sardesai CNN IBN
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Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
The murder of Faith and Relation.
Media Yug is providing you the details published by the channel.
Courtesy: CNN-IBN,
Arushi-Hemraj murder: India gives its verdict
QUESTION EVERYTHING: CNN-IBN's Sagarika Ghose moderates the discussion
on the findings of The Arushi Poll.
Over the last month, the murder of a 14-year-old schoolgirl Arushi
Talwar and her domestic help Hemraj has captured public imagination.
The case goes to the heart of India's middle class society and raises
several troubling questions.
What is the nature of contemporary media -- Has it ceased to be
absolutely responsible? What is the nature of the police force -- Is
it unable to investigate modern crime? What about the relationship
between employees and employers -- Has that broken down with the
household? And what about parents and children -- Do they inhabit
completely different universes now?
An Outlook-CNN-IBN Exclusive Opinion Poll tried to gauge the public
mood on the murder case. Over a thousand respondents from six cities
took part in the survey.
CNN-IBN conducted a special show to reveal and discuss the findings of
the poll. The panel comprised of former IPS officer Kiran Bedi;
Editor-in-Chief, Outlook magazine, Vinod Mehta; a close friend of the
Talwars, Masooma Renalvi; clinical psychologist Dr Nishreen Saif
Poonawalla; Editor, Marie Claire magazine, Shefalee Vasudev, RJ, Radio
Mirchi, Saurabh; and Editor-in-Chief, IBN7, Ashutosh.
Media Sensationalism: Has the media sensationalised the Arushi murder case?
Yes: 77 per cent
No: 23 per cent
Yes: 67 per cent
No: 33 per cent
Masooma Renalvi, who's been very critical of the media, initiated the
discussion by pointing out even though media played an important role
in the Arushi Talwar murder case, it went way beyond reporting the
facts. She accused the media of reporting wrong facts and
sensationalizing the case.
"In the first week," she said, "media showed the photographs of
Talwars' brother and his wife as Arushi's parents. As for
sensationalizing the case, a few days ago, a tabloid performed a
lie-detector test on Dr Nupur Talwar and published the transcript. The
next day, a TV channel dramatized the test. Dr Nupur, however, told us
that the nothing mentioned in the transcript was true."
But there have been many instances — such as the O J Simpson case in
the US and the Madeleine McCann case in the UK — where the media
played a vital role.
Vinod Mehta, however, took a slightly different stand. He said there
have been cases where the media has gone overboard. "I accept the fact
that media is in the business of selling but sometimes we have to ask
ourselves is there a laxman rekha here?" he asked calling for
self-imposed restrictions.
Shouldn't the Talwar family, then, have been more forthcoming with the
media? Shouldn't they have given the right version to the media?
Renalvi defended that initially the Talwar family didn't talk to the
media because they were told by the police not to do so, lest they
hamper investigations. "They are a normal middle class family who are
not used to criminal investigation or the media. The media was writing
about on the basis of the information leaked by the police while the
family was still obeying the orders of the police. They started
speaking out only after realizing that the whole thing had turned
against them," she said.
When Nupur Talwar gave interviews to media channels, there was a
counter-productive reaction to that. There was a feeling that she
wasn't grieving enough. In that sense, was it wise for her to come on
"It was a period of mourning and grief for the Talwars," Shefalee
Vasudev replied. "The family responded in a very haphazard, bizarre
way — they were, as Masooma said, misled by certain advice and they
were not able to handle the crazy media attention. It's hardly a case
of accusing Dr Nupur Talwar. She lost her only child."
Role of the Media: Will the role of the media directly or indirectly
interfere with investigation and justice?
Yes: 69 per cent
No: 31 per cent
Yes: 71 per cent
No: 29 per cent
Ashutosh pointed out that it was unfair to target TV media alone as
there were many lead newspapers too which carried stories related to
the Arushi Talwar as the lead almost every other day for a month.
He also underscored the need to not look at the Talwar family as the
victims. "Let's not try to gain sympathy for the Talwars. According to
the Noida police, they are the prime suspects in the case and till
this day even the court has not granted them bail," he said.
Renalvi clarified that she wasn't trying to garner sympathy for the
family. "My point was that media reports had factual errors and that
the case was sensationalized. Media cannot assassinate the character
of a murdered girl till the investigation is going on," she said.
One of the police officers, who was transferred, said that police and
media are in partnership in crime investigation. But whatever the
media does, at the end of the day, does it focus unnecessary attention
on a case?
Kiran Bedi replied that Arushi's murder was a very simple forensic
case. "Had there been a police officer who knew how to handle media
and the crime scene well, he could have kept the media completely out.
All he needed was a yellow tape around the crime scene, saying do not
cross the line."
Police and Media: Is the police department out of sync with today's
world and therefore does not understand the mindset of the common
Yes: 70 per cent
No: 30 per cent
Bedi said that even though the Noida Police were being bullied, they
shouldn't have given into media pressure. "They shouldn't have like
CBI. CBI is taking its time — they may or may not be able to solve the
case. The truth is, you can't solve every case because sometimes the
evidence is simply not there," she said.
Bedi also highlighted the need for professional public relation
managers for the police department. "Not everyone is a communicator,"
she said and added, "Why should the IGs or the DGPs be handling the
But when the police mention things like 'honour killing' or 'immoral
e-mails', doesn't that indicate a lack of cultural preparedness, that
they cant deal with urban, modern criminality?
Vasudev disagreed with the statement. "There are a lot of policemen
from urban areas and they have completely rural mindsets. I think the
question we should be asking is whether the police are culturally
programmed to the changing urban scenario? But which one of is
constantly culturally programmed?" she asked.
Terming it as insensitivity at its peak, Bedi said, "Public is equally
insensitive of police issues, inadequacies, and police is becoming
insensitive about public issues. Now is a case of mutual insensitivity
and both are feeding into each other and both are losers."
But how can a police officer, who's in charge of the case, get the
name of the girl and date of the crime wrong?
Pinning the blame on absence of communication skills, Bedi answered
the police officer was overwhelmed. She said the police officers are
just not used to reaching out to the media.
Ashutosh, however, emphasised on the need for the problem to be the
solved from the top. "Most small-town police officers will obviously
be baffled if they are suddenly confronted with 100 cameras. Noida
Police should not be judged on whether or not they got the name right
or wrong. The Home Ministry should ensure that they are trained and
provided proper exposure," he argued.
Have you done police verification of your domestic help?
Yes: 11 per cent
No: 89 per cent
Does the rather dismal percentage indicate that even though the
relationship between the employer and the employee is rapidly
changing, somewhere the employers are not able to come to terms with
Dr Nishreen Saif Poonawalla replied that the trend was indicative of
India's changing culture. "Earlier the domestic help used to be
someone you grew up with," she said.
Saurabh, however, asked whether verifying a domestic help ensured that
the candidate does not have criminal inclinations.
Bedi agreed with Saurabh and said," Beyond the verification, we have
to keep watch. If your staff is being visiting by the wrong people,
shouldn't you keep a watch as the master? If he's getting into bad
habits, should you not know? Verification is no proof that a person's
conduct will be good."
Does the older generation understand what the youth of today feels or wants?
Yes 52 per cent
No 48 per cent
Vasudev said the transition in the society is happening for every generation.
"There is a cultural gap but we are also squeezing it. There is a
transition at the younger generations' end, at the middle generations
end and also at the older generation who are the mothers and fathers
of the parents of today. There is a deep pull and push. It is not
going to be resolved by understanding mobile phones and SMSs only,"
she added
Mehta blamed the broken family for the tragic murder of Arushi and
said parents have lost the art of communication
"A silver lining in this horrible Arushi murder case is that it has
opened our minds to how in post-liberalisation India family life in
middle class and upper middle class has broken down. It is largely
because parents are unable to communicate with their children and they
are unable to communicate not because they don't want to communicate
but they don't know how to communicate," the Editor of Outlook said.
Poonawalla agreed with Mehta and said, "When we say spend quality time
with your kids, parents say define quality time. 'What does that mean?
Watching TV together?' It has disintegrated to such an extent that
people don't know what communication is? We really need to bridge that
gap quick and fast."
Renalvi argued that Talwar family was not a broken one as it is being
made out to be.
"Arushi was a very close friend of my daughter and I have known her
for nine years. I also saw her relationship with her parents. I can
tell one thing that communication had not broken down between Arushi
and her parents. Giving the digital camera and discussing where to
have the birthday party shows what a close-knit family it was. It was
not a dysfunctional family as it was made out. It was a very caring
family," she said.
Ss should parents be vigilant on their children and about their
company and activities?
"Being alert, watchful and vigilant is anyway our duty. But also allow
space to the child. There should be balanced parenting," Bedi said.
Does this case show how deeply in transition Indian society is in?
"It has shown us the face of media - both good and bad. There has been
tenacity in media. It has churned and spun public opinion a great
deal. The roles of family, police, verification, and security issues
all have been raised. This case held up a mirror in many ways to us,"
Vasudev said.
Ashutosh argued that the no one should jump to conclusion and blame
the domestic helps for the crime.
"Can there be a story more sensational than where the father is a
suspect? The unfortunate thins is that we have assumed that the
domestic helps - the Krishnas and the Rajkumars - are the real
killers. We are trying to give a certain benefit to Dr Rajesh Talwar.
The point is as Massoma Renalvi is saying that is was a very well knit
family and had no communication gap, they why was Arushi killed? There
was something wrong in that family. There was something wrong in that
house. It is not a black and white story. It is a grey story. There
are a lot of grey shades, in that family, in that house and also in
the media," he said.
Bedi wanted everybody to be more sensitive when a crime takes place.
"The message of this case is people, the media and the police all
three must get sensitive to the value of preserving a crime scene.
They must not trample over it. The people, the media and the police
all destroyed the forensic evidences at the crime scene. If a crime
happens we must stay away and let the police do its job if we want the
culprits to be caught," the former IPS officer said.
Mehta added, "For me the moral of this story is for parents that if
you don't have the time, don't have children. If the domestic help is
going to look after the children, it is criminally irresponsible to
have children. If you cannot devote time to them be like me and keep a
Saurabh, speaking for the younger generation, said, "Kids need
information and there are many sources available. The dialogue has to
be there between parents and kids."
Are Indian parents aware enough to seek counselling?
Poonawalla said, "Counselling if done correctly with the right
personnel can do wonders. It can save a family, a broken marriage or a
broken relationship. It is the duty of parents to seek counselling."
Should the family be seen as victims?
"I will say as a parent that I would like the truth to come out. All
of us would like to know the truth. Media is playing an important role
and this information will come to us only through media. Media is a
pillar of democracy. What we need is sensitive and sensible reporting.
We need safeguards in media where there is some accountability. Lets
have the truth out and let us have an accountable media," Renalvi
Shefalee said, "Had it not been the media many issues would have not come out."
Ashutosh gave the final comment. He said, "This is one case that has
hurt us because this is the first crime of new India."
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Monday, May 26, 2008
परिवार पर टीवी का वार
ये बात टीवी नहीं समझता या बेहतर समझता है। एक अंग्रेजी अखबार ने लिखा कि अभिभावक अपने बच्चों को नहीं बता पा रहें है कि आरूषि को उसके पिता ने क्यों मारा। और जो बच्चे ये बात नहीं पूछ रहे थे, वे सब जानने समझने लगे है। तो क्या परिवार में खुली बहसें होने लगी है। क्या अभिभावक बच्चों के साथ ज्यादा खुल गए है। वे बताने लगे है कि पन्द्रह साल की बच्ची के लिए जो कहा जा रहा है, वो सच हो सकता है।
पुलिस के बयान भी बड़े ही भयानक तरीके से समाज की बुनियाद को तार तार कर रहे थे। वो बता रही थी कि डाक्टर राजेश तलवार के नाजायज संबंध किस महिला के साथ थे। वे बता रहे थे कि कैसे ये बात उनका नौकर हेमराज जानता था। वे बता रहे थे कि कैसे नौकर आरूषि के नजदीक ( क्षमा करें, इस शब्द के अर्थ केवल व्यस्क ही समझ सकते है) आ गया था। और किस तरह एक बाप ने पहले नौकर फिर बेटी को बेरहमी से मौत के घाट उतारा। पुलिस की ऐसी बेबाक बयानबाजी सुन रहे थे भारत के करोड़ों अव्यस्क दर्शक।
सेक्स शब्द के जो मायने टीवी ने गढ़े है, उनके दायरों में कईल बुनियादी रिश्तों पर आंच आने लगी है। संदेह और शक की बेदी पर अब हर रिश्ता नजर आने लगा है। आए दिन होने वाली घटनाओं में केवल एक एंगल खोजना अब टीवी की बीमारी हो चली है। क्या इसी लिए हमने इन क्राइम शो को देखना शुरू किया था। क्या ये समाज में अपराध को घटा रहे है।
स्टूडियो में बेधड़क लाइव कार्यक्रमों में आकर अपनी गिरफ्तारी देने और अबोध बच्चियों के साथ दुष्कर्म करने वालों से लेकर नौकरों के हाथों वृद्धों के मरने की घटनाओं से समाज की सोच का साफ पता चल रहा है। इसे लेकर कोई हायतौबा नहीं मचती है। पुलिस को निशाना बना बना कर मीडिया घटना के प्रति कई पक्षों को लापरवाही से देखता है। कानून और क्रियांवयन के स्तर पर उसकी खबरों में घटनाएं तो होती है, लेकिन जागरूकता के लिए कोई अभियान जैसा नहीं होता। किसी के जान की कीमत को केवल जांच, वजह और जुर्म बनाकर दिखाते दिखाते टीवी ने दर्शक को बेहद असंवेदनशीस बना दिया है। अब अपने की मौत पर गम से पहले आपको टीवी पर उसकी व्याख्या से आपका मन व्यथित होता है।
सामाजिक संवेदना के व्यापक नुकसान हमें अपने परिवार, संबंधों और विश्वासों में दिखने लगा है। कभी एक मोहल्ले में रहने वाला भारतीय समाज आज अपार्टमेंट में बसने लगा है, एक घर का दुखड़ें पर अब छींटाकशी और शर्म की बुनियाद के बाहर। लेकिन इससे मानव त्रासदी के निशान छुपते नहीं। जब बगल के घर में तबाही मचती है, तो आप टीवी को देखकर सहम जरूर जाते हैं। हमें इंतजार है कि एक दिन आप जागरूक होंगे और समाज के लिए सामाजिकता को अपनाए रखेंगे। पड़ोसी के जीवन पर भी विवेकपूर्ण आपत्ति जताएंगे। और मोहल्ले के बच्चे को सही राह दिखाएंगे। तबतक हमारी कामना है कि टीवी पर शक और सुबहे ही जगह विश्वास और जागरूकता की झलकियां ज्यादा से ज्यादा परोसी जाएंगी।
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Monday, April 28, 2008
अंधविश्वास का पिटारा
टेलीविजन। जी हां। गुनहगार है टेलीविजन। हर दिन किसी न किसी हिंदी समाचार चैनल पर दिखती है भूत प्रेत से ओतप्रोत खबरें। कहीं वो किसी हवेली में किसी के साथ कर रहा है बलात्कार तो कहीं वो किसी सुरंग में एक भूतनी के तौर पर बुला रही है किसी की मौत। गाजियाबाद में तीन बेटों ने अपनी मां को इस शंका में पीट पीट कर मार डाला कि, उसपर किसी की प्रेतबाधा सवार हो चुकी है। साथ ही अपनी बहन को मारकर वो एक अंधविश्वास में अपनी मरी मां को जिंदा भी करना चाहते थे। ये क्या है।
एक ऐसा समाज जो अपने ऊपरी स्तर में तो तमाम शहरी आडंबरों को अपना चुकी है, लेकिन वो गहरे मन से रोजाना एक भय को जगह दे रहा है। टीवी इस अंधविश्वास को रोजाना बढ़ा रहा है। जिस दिन ये बेरहम घटना होती है, उसी दिन आईबीएन-7 एटा में एक सुरंग में भूतनी होने के दावे को दिखा रहा था। शहरी तनाव और जिम्मेदारियों के बीच जब दर्शक टीवी की ओर रूख करता है तो वो पाता है ऊलजूलुल पेशकश और अंधविश्वास को बढावा देने वाली खबरें। इससे एक तरह का दबा अहसास उसमें बैठने लगता है। भारतीय मानस में मिथकों और विश्वासों की गहरी परंपरा के बोझ में आम आदमी भी मानने लगता है अंधविश्वास के इस मायाजाल को। वो ग्रहों से डरता है, राशियों पर उसकी निर्भरता है, अंधविश्वास उसकी सोच में एक जाल सा बुनता है। और इसके कारण वो कई बातों, व्यवहारों और सोच में इसे अपनाने लगता है।
टेलीविजन इससे पहले भी निजी रिश्तों में नाजायज सोच को काफी जगह दे चुका है। वो हर बारीक रिश्ते के बीच शंका की जो रेखा खींच चुका है, वो पति-पत्नी, मां-बेटे, भाई-बहन को अब उतना सहज नहीं रहने देते, जितना समाज ने उन्हे रखा था। फिल्मों में अश्लीलता, टीवी पर कामुकता और खबरों में अविश्ववास की कहानी ने आम दर्शक को मानसिक तौर पर कमजोर बना दिया है। इससे जुड़ी रोचक बात ये है कि संदेह और सस्पेंस के साथ हर चीज को पेश करके इसे ऐसा बनाकर पेश किया जाता है कि दर्शक खाली समय में इसे देखता रहे, देखता रहे। और जिस तरह सास-बहु सीरियलों का नशा है, उसी तरह हिंदी समाचार चैनलों पर भी किसी कंटेंट को इतना दिखाया जाता है कि वो इस नशे में तब्दील हो जाए। और ये झूठ को बार बार बोलने से ही हो सकता है। सो टीवी बोले जा रहा है झूठ पर झूठ।
आपकी दुनिया में जानकारी की कीमत है वक्त। वो वक्त जो आप आज किसी जाया जानकारी में दे रहे है, वहीं कीमत आप आगे चुकाएंगे। सो संभल जाइए। टीवी पर उन खबरों का बहिष्कार करिए, जो आपको ले जा रही है एक गर्त में।
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Sunday, March 02, 2008
मासूम हाथों का भविष्य क्या होगा?
हाल ही में एक संगठन ने जंतर मंतर, दिल्ली में इन मासूम बेआवाज बच्चों को बटोरा। टीवी पर ये आक्रोश नहीं देखा गया, कवरेज के लिहाज से ये न तो खबर मानी जाती है और न हीं विजुअल के लिहाज से अपीलिंग। लेकिन ये खबर है। क्योंकि इससे जुड़ा है आपके देश का भविष्य। आपके आसपास काम करने वाले मासूम बच्चों में अगर आपको बचपन नहीं दिखता, तो मान लीजिए कि आप संवेदनाहीन हो गए है।
मीडियायुग को ये मेल भेजा है एक एनजीओ ने। हम उनका आभार जताते है।
Dear Sir / Madam,
Today, We have demonstrated at the parliament street for our( child labours rightful demands ) we collect at the Jantar Mantar there we have a small meeting which was addressed by child labour(kapil,raju ,anuj,mujeeb,bablu,suraj etc.) they share their problem they faced daily life. Their life become more miserable because some N.G.O. uses them as a product or number and thrown out after the use.
These children submitted their memorandum to ministry of child & women welfare and National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
supported by:
"working for tomorrow's today"
children's own national organisation
B-1/37,38,39 Ansal Building
Dr.Mukherji Nagar
Reg. Office:- 1358-61,Shora Kothi,
Subzi Mandi, Delhi-110007







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Saturday, February 02, 2008
First Program of Young Journalist League
The common thread which runs through all these recent arrests is the charge that these journalists are either sympathisers or working for the Maoist insurgents. This is the same charge leveled against Dr Binayak Sen of PUCL, Chattisgarh. All of them were proceeded against despite the fact that they were engaged in legitimate work. Indeed the Indian State is attempting to abridge our right of expression and curb our right of dissent by also prohibiting and seizing books and periodicals as evident from the attack on Sunita of Daanish Books in Nagpur in 2006 and filing of a chargesheet against her under the draconian Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.
The intrepidness of Indian journalists often leads to reprisals. At least 65 reporters were assaulted or received death threats from police officers, criminals, company heads or political militants during the year.
Two journalists were murdered while doing their job during 2006. Prahlad Goala, working on a regional daily in Assam State in the north-east, was killed after writing articles exposing nepotism on the part of a local official. Also, in the north-east, a bureau chief escaped a murder attempt by an armed group. A young correspondent for a regional newspaper in Maharashtra State, central India, Arun Narayan Dekate, was stoned to death by gangsters he had named in his articles.
The authorities in Chhattisgarh State, have curtailed press freedom in order to carry out their ‘dirty war’ against the Maoists. The Chattisgarh Public Security Act provides for imprisonment, from one to three years, for journalists who meet Maoist rebels or write anything which the authorities claim supports the Maoists. A score of reporters have been assaulted or threatened with death by police officers or members of the local Salwa Judum militia. At least two correspondents of the daily Hind Sat were forced to give up their work for fear of reprisals. Hardly any news flows out of the area without it being censored.
In June, Shujaat Bukhari, correspondent in Kashmir for the national daily The Hindu, escaped a murder attempt by armed men. Indians security services have also been implicated in attacks against the press, as in the assault, in September, on three reporters, who were beaten by police officers in the streets of Srinagar. In November Abdul Rouf, of the Srinagar News, and his wife Zeenat Rouf, were arrested. Photojournalist, Muhammad Maqbool Khokar has been held since September 2004, under Public Security Act. Despite calls for his release by the judiciary as well as from the National Human Rights Commission, police have refused to release him.
Karnataka government had arrested unlawfully, the editor of karavali ale , a kannada eveninger of coastal Karnataka and his wife on night of March 3rd, 2006. State government and sangh parivaar working hand in glove as evident from the fact that their press and residence were attacked by sangh parivaar who damaged the printing and other property.
More recently, in Karnataka police arrested Indian Journalist Union (IJU) national council member and former president of Warangal Working Journalist Union Pendyala Venkata Kondal Rao, charging him with being a sympathiser of the outlawed Maoists.
These acts are against the principles natural justice and violate freedom of expression and right to information. .
It is to highlight all this and to draw people’s attention to the curbing of our legitimate rights that we call upon all the concerned individuals including journalists, writers and activists from all walks of life to join us in a protest meeting against the repressive moves of the Indian state to curb voices of dissent.
We invite you to a public meeting on February 11, 2008 at the Press Club of India at 3.30 pm to oppose this draconian trend and to collectively decide the future course of action.
Oppose assault on freedom of expression! Defend the Right of Dissent!
(On behalf of Young Journalists League)
Contact Address: #29, LGF, NRI Complex, GK IV, New Delhi 110019
Sunday, January 27, 2008
मैं पढ़ना चाहता हूं...
मीडियायुग को भी भेजे गए इस ईमेल में हिंदी शायद भेजने वाले के पुत्र ने ही लिखी है, जो एक स्तरीय पढ़ाई लिखाई की आस रखता है। पिता के लिए अंग्रेजी में किसी ने लिखा लगता है।
लेकिन बड़ा सवाल ये है कि आज के युग में किसी बच्चे के मौलिक पढ़ाई लिखाई के अधिकार की अगुवाई कौन करेगा। क्या आप। क्या हम। या मीडिया।
Appeal for education help for a minor child admission in good convent school
New Delhi
Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal, who was born in tribal area of Lang village of Ambika Pur region of Madhya Pradesh now residing in Delhi, has always faced tough times in his life right from his childhood. Firstly his mother has been a mentally retarded person because of whom his educated father also became homeless as he could not manage his business and property and also could not pay enough attention towards his children. Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal some how grew up facing such hardship in his life and he could not get that education as a child which he deserved like other children but he walked on the way of social work as it has been seen generally that such child either go for some criminal way or become victim of some anti-social habits. But Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal kept himself miles away from all these things, rather Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal made an objective as " I have faced the hardship in my life and no body came in front to hold my hand and help me, I will always help at my level-best whoever will come to seek my help". Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal was also getting success in his this objective but some mean people tried to divert him from his way for their own political benefits. Still Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal kept going on his way of honesty and helping others steadily. Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal has also been attacked several times. His wife who is a religious and God-faithing lady always help and supported him in his good deed. In spite of all this, as Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal is financially weak, is unable to give his children that education which they deserve. He wants to give his children international-level education so that as he has been deprived of quality education in his childhood, his children may not be deprived off. But Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal's son (Prankur, aging 5 years resident of Delhi, India) is not getting admission to any convent school, the biggest reason of which is his poorness. Will you not help such social worker who always believes in god, who has always faced bad times in his life and has always help those who has come to seek his help? If you will help Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal to seek admission for his son (Prankur) in a good convent school, then Mr. Aggarwal who though is unable to give you something in return but will definitely pray to God for your happiness.
Please give this appeal a suitable place in your news paper.
Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal
B-58/149, Guru Nanak Pura, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092
Contact No.- 00919911099737
*********************************** मोमबत्ती पकड़े प्राकुंर
मधय पर्देश के अम्बीकापुर के लंग्गाँव के आदीवासी छेत्र मी पैदा हुए परह्लाद कुमार का जीवन बचपन से ही मुसीबतों से घीरा रहा पहले तो ब्चापेन्न से ही माँ मानसिक रोगी थी जीसके वीयोग मे सीक्सित पीता भी बेघर हो गए ।
ओर अपने संपती और कारोबार को संभाल नही सके और न ही अपने ब्चों की देख भाल कर पाए दोनो ब्च्हे किसे तरह दर दर की ठोकर खा कर बडे हो गए । परह्लाद कुमार ने समाज सेवा का रास्ता अपनाया जबकि इसे मामलो मी ज्यदटर बच्चे गुनाह का रास्ता ही अपनाते है । या फिर गलत रस्ते पेर चल पड़ते है । पर परह्लाद इन सब बातो से कोसो दूर है । जबकि परह्लाद कुमार ने उदेसय बनाया है जिस तरह मैं दर दर की ठोकर खाता रहा ओर मेरा कीसी ने हाथ नही थमा पर मैं जरूरत मंद लोगो की मदद करुगा । ओर उस के लिए फाउंडेशन फॉर कमान मन की स्थापना भी की । मज्दुरु को गिर रही इमारत से बचाने मी अपने जन पेर खेल कर निकला जो की न्यूज़ पेपर ओर टीवी चॅनल ने भी देख्या था । रेल मी भीख मग रहे ब्च्हू को गुंडों के चुगल से निकल क्र आश्रम मे दाखिल करवाया । दलीत ब्ची jis का बलात्कर हो गया था जस्टिस दीलाने मे मदद की । लापता ब्च्हू को पता लगाने मी सरकार पेर जोर लगाने मे भोतज्यदा धरना पेर्दार्सन किया । मजदुर लोगो को मजदूरी दिलाने की लडाई लड़ी । पर कुछ लोगो ने अपने राजनीती चमकने के लिए उनके रासते मी उडचन भी डाली । हमले भी करवाए। फीर भी परह्लाद कुमार अपने रस्ते से टस से मस नही हुआ । समाज सेवा मी उसका साथ देने वाले उसके साथी ओर दर्म पत्नी ने इस्वर की रह पेर चलने वाले परह्लाद कुमार का पुरा सहयोग दिया । किन्तु इन सब के बाबजूद परह्लाद कुमार अर्थिक रूप से पेरेसान है । ओर अपने बच्चो को भ शिक्षा नही दे पा रहा है जो देने चाहिऐ । बह चाहता है की उसके बच्चे भी विस्ब्स्त्रीय सीख ले ओर जो शिक्षा की कमी उस मे रही है । उस की ब्चोचो मी न रहे । पर्न्तो परह्लाद के बेटे परंकुर को कान्वेंट श्कूल दाखिला नही मिल रह है । जिस की सब से बडी बजह है उस की गरीबी । कया आप इसे समाज सेवी प्रभु के रस्ते पेर चलने वाले दर दर की ठोकर खा कर भी गरीबो की सेवा करनी वाले परह्लाद की सहायता नही करेगे । यदी आप परह्लाद के बेटे परंकुर को किसी अच्छे स्चूल मी शिक्षा दिलाने मी सहयोग करते है तो परह्लाद कुमार परभू से परथाना करगा की आपका जीवन परभू खुसेयो से भर दे । कुर्प्या इसे अपने समाचार पत्र मी जगह देने की कुर्पा केरे.
parhlad kumar aggarwal
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
जय हिंद, जय भारत
गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। जो आज के दिन को समझते है, वे इसे महज छुट्टी के तौर पर नहीं देखते। टीवी के माध्यम से आज का दिन एक तरह का भुला बिसरा गीत सरीखा है। जिन्होने भी आज सुबह इंडिया गेट पर प्रधानमंत्री का अमर जवानों को श्रद्धांजलि और बाद में राजपथ पर राष्ट्रपति और उपराष्ट्रपति की अगवाई में सेना और झांकियों की छटा देखी होगी, वे लोकतंत्र की गरिमा को समझने से वाकिफ हो पाएं होंगे। दूरदर्शन की महत्ता शायद आज जैसे दिनों में ज्यादा समझी जा सकती है। सुबह पहले रिनी खन्ना और फिर सेना के कई अधिकारियों की आवाज में देश का गरिमागान भाता है। निजी चैनलों पर केवल लोगो और स्क्रीन पर तिरंगा फहराने की प्रथा से कई गुना आगे जाते हुए दूरदर्शन आज के दिन, लोकतंत्र की गाथा, अमर जवानों का साहस, सेनाओं की सलामी और तरह तरह की जानकारियों को देकर पूरे सजीव प्रसारण को लुभावना और कशिश वाला बनाता है। हमारे देश में राष्ट्रभक्ति से जुड़े गीत भी अब दिनों के लिए बजने लगे है। वो बजते है, तो मन में कुछ सुरसुराहट होती है। अच्छा लगता है।
दूरदर्शन की सजीव प्रस्तुति को सारे समाचार चैनल दिखाकर जिस मानस को संतुष्ट करना अपना कर्तव्य समझते है, उसी को रोजाना देश के हित से अलग बहलाकर वे भले ही भला न कर रहें हो, लेकिन कभी कभी सभी चैनलों पर एक ही दृश्य का चलना एक माला के मोती जैसा अहसास देता है।
संविधान को देश ने आज से ५९ साल पहले अपनाया था। और उसमें अभी तक सौ के करीब बदलाव किए गए। जनता को शायद पंचायती राज से जुड़ा संविधान में बदलाव तो याद होगा। लेकिन बहुत से ऐसे बदलाव जारी है, जो अब पता नहीं चलते। ये जानना जरूरी है और जरूरत भी।
टीवी पर तोपों की सलामी, तिरंगे का फहराना, सेनाओं की कदमताल, सैनिकों का गरजना और आकाश से फूल बरसाते विमानों के नजारे अपने लोकतंत्र में फैले हर रंग की बयां करते है। शायद कंटेंटविहीन कलरबार की तरह। लेकिन, इसके बाद जो भी टीवी पर आता है, वो जनमानस को तभी भाता है जब उसमें लोकतंत्र की गरिमा और सूचना के ताकत का अहसास हो। ये भले ही कोरी कल्पना हो, लेकिन आप तभी तक इंसान है, जब आप अपने मूल्यों, कर्तव्यों और अधिकारों से लैस है।
जय हिंद, जय भारत।
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
समाज सेवा या 'स्वयं' सेवा


Your Faith is on Sale...
Few print media journalist penned their words against the syndrome. Media as whole is all about the space an objective content. If one group has some intake, or the media group has some stake in companies and this will lead to a "editorial adjustment", then you can clearly unerstand that what news items are on the agenda of the group.
The issue is big an fatal to the society, in terms of objective information. Hope you all unerstand the situation an play an active role to protest in all way, you can. By this you can get a media that works for people.
These are the weblinks, by which you can know & judge the issue:
People’s media?
Scrutiny of private treaties builds up
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